Am I creative or what? I'm pretty happy with it.
I'm thinking of my Mom as I'm eating this. Mom liked to eat. Sometimes she over ate but it didn't take much. At Furr's Cafeteria, where it was all you can eat, she always had 2 trays but she didn't eat everything. She saw something that she wanted to taste & got it but sometimes it was only a bite or 2. And her lunch table always had about 10 bowls but they were small ones. A half a cup of this, a bit of that. She liked variety.
See, she'd had to take over cooking when her mom died when she was 16, for her dad & brothers. Then she married my dad at 17 & had 2 babies by the time she was 21 and me 10 years later. Then another 10 years later, she had my nephew, after my sister passed away. So she had to cook all the time. And she always tried to please everyone & she did a great job. But she loved things like fried chicken & liver & onions (yuck) which my dad wouldn't eat. So she ate them when we were out. And she especially loved sitting at a table & having someone bring her food.
She always loved the grocery store too. We have a store called Market Street that has a section of salads & hot foods. And at the end of the aisle, in the back of the store they have fruits & vegetables. They work hard to display them & some days they are gorgeous. When I look at the entire aisle, I think how much mom would have loved it.
I think she would have liked my charcuterie supper. I wish she was here to share with me. She is my inspiration!! ❤❤❤