Sunday, May 26, 2024


It's supposed to be a cross between a croissant & a muffin.  Easy to make, but...

3 Tubes of crescent roll sheets

1 C sugar

1 T of cinnamon

6 T butter

350 degrees

Mix sugar & cinnamon.

Flatten croissant sheets. Spreatd 3 T butter on each. Sprinkle sugar/cinnamon.  Roll tightly, cut into 2 rolls. Then cut rolls lengthwise.  Roll up from ends til it looks like a cinnamon roll. Bake in a standard muffin tin for 20 minutes.  Those are the official instructions.

First thing is crescent roll sheets are $5.29 a tube. $15.87 is for 12 muffins is a little much.  A little  much. I instead used pie dough, which of course has no yeast so it won't rise like a normal cinnamon roll. I did use a muffin tin but they were not done in 20 minutes. Next time I'll just use a cookie sheet & toothpicks to hold them together.  I took them out of tin & finished baking on cookie sheet for an additional 8 minutes.

Taste is really good though it's hard to not like anything full of cinnamon & sugar.  The texture reminded me of when my mom would make extra pie crust & we got to put them in the oven with ...guess...butter,cinnamon & sugar.  

Costco has regular Pillsbury crescent rolls in bulk so I'll check the price & will try again. If still too expensive, I'll use the pie crust again.  

Sunday, May 19, 2024

She Shed,Sorta


First thing to make clear is I own a 3 bedroom house & I live here alone.  But I was scrolling Pinterest & came across she sheds, which is a woman's "man cave".  It's a building or room that's a get away from whatever is going on everywhere else.  Even your home.  Technically it's a way to get a break from your family or life for a few minutes.  Or hours.  A place that is only hers, where no one else's opinion matters.  It's anything she wants it to be.  And again, I live alone so that's the way it is in my house but now I want a she shed.  

Since another building would be A. Stupid & B. Not practical, I've thinking about a she room.

More later.

Dream Today

First, in my defense, I don't sleep well at night.  I go to bed about 11 but most nights I'm still awake at 3am.  So when I do finally go to sleep, I usually sleep hard & sometimes I sleep late. I'm usually up about 9 but sometimes I sleep later.  Today it was noon & I probably would have slept later except I have a reminder alarm that goes off at noon. 

My body was trying to wake up before but I was dreaming clearly & didn't want to wake up. I was trying to hold on to the dream.

It was Christmas Eve at the house in Spur. I can't exactly tell when but Cathy was there & she passed away in 1997.  Cathy's kids weren't in the dream but she had a friend with her who was a little annoying. Mom,Cathy & I made part of the lunch but friend didn't help cook or clean up. She kept music up loud & turned it back up when someone turned it down. My mom didn't like a lot of noise but it didn't matter to friend. She talked on her phone all the time but that didn't happen before 1997 so of course not everything was accurate. Cathy had great friends forever but I don't remember this one.   

My dad was grilling hamburgers & that was very much not reality.  Not once in his life did he grill anything. He didn't seem happy about his role & in reality he would not have enjoyed. 

I remember washing piles of dishes with Cathy drying them. That certainly felt normal. We'd made mom sit down to talk to us but annoying friend was sitting next to her, talking on the phone. She is not invited to my next dream.

Spur doesn't have a bakery but dream Spur did. About  3pm on Christmas Eve, Cathy decided she wanted a fancy,fluffy cake. I adored my sister but this is absolutely typical of her.  She always had great ideas but her follow through was iffy.  Basically, she had trouble getting her stuff together.  So looking for a cake on Christmas Eve afternoon sounds just like her. We went looking but nothing was open. To be fair, she was from a larger town where the cake might have happened. But it was not in a town of less than 1000. 

For the record my mom had been baking all week.  I don't remember what in the dream but normally there would have been probably 2 pies, a cake & wonderful fruit salad. 

It wasn't in the dream but later on that night we'd be playing poker, Sorry or Yachtzee. Steve would be there too.

If their was more, I must have been waking up or the alarm went off & I don't remember.

But I woke up crying because I didn't want it to stop.  I wanted it to be Christmas Eve with my mom & daddy & sister. They are all gone from this earth but are waiting for me in Heaven. I wanted to hold on.

I'm having a little bit of a tough time today because I can't seem to stop crying.  It'll pass.