Friday, February 17, 2023


I'm trying to watch more movies because I've always loved them.  Less these days because I absolutely hate liberal Hollywood & their stupid obsession with shoving their politics down our throats.  Their egos suck.

I watched a not completely sucky movie earlier this week called 'How Do You Know' with Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson,Jack Nicholson & the only person/thing that made it not a complete suck Paul Rudd.  It's not worth reviewing.

 I also watched a made for TV called 'Snow Day'...a new movie but it was a kid thing about kids not wanting to go to school.  Also, not reviewing.

Finally, tonight, I'm watching a movie I've seen before. 'Seabiscuit' is about an "inferior" horse in the 30s & 40s, along with his "inferior" trainer, owner & jockey.  He beat 1937 Triple Crown winner War Admiral.  Secreteriat was his grandfather.  Jeff Bridges is the owner, Tobey McGuire the jockey, Chris Cooper the trainer.   They are all good guys & easy to root for.  It's a complete feel good movie, something I need more of in my life. 

I saw it at the theater when it first came out with my friend John.  I'd met him at the theater & he was already saving us a seat when I pulled up.  I had my hand in my pocket & found money & decided to get us popcorn & coke to share.  After we were munching, I got the giggles...I remembered it was John's money.  I'd had a garage sale that morning & sold something of his.  I was bringing him his cash...but forgot that part.  We were eating his profits.  Still makes me laugh.

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