Gosh, I know it's hard to believe that I have food issues. I've been overweight all of my life. I have horrible eating habits. I used to like to cook but now I go for the easy stuff. I'm more likely to have cereal for supper than cook something. I eat too much junk food. But, I have weighed 70 pounds more & have maintained my current weight for about 12 years. I'd like to lose 20 more pounds but that's probably not happening & I'm actually ok with that.
But I was reading an article last week about food hoarding. And that definitely applies to me. I inheirited that from my mom. But she grew up in the depression. She went through hungry times. When times were better, she always had a lot of food on hand. Plus, we lived in the country & there wasn't a grocery store on every corner. And she liked variety. On her table would be 10 different bowls of something but not much of anything. There would be meat & cooked veggies but also a bowl of tomatoes & cantaloupe & cucumbers. Lots of choices. And I read just yesterday about a woman who got charged 2x for an all-you-can-eat-buffet because she got so much. My mom was like that sorta. She would get a lot of things but she didn't eat anywhere near all of it. She liked choices.
Dang I miss my mom.
But I always have a lot of food. If you weren't too picky and was ok with no turkey, I could make a Thanksgiving dinner on any given day. For someone who doesn't cook, it's definitely a strange issue. And it gets stranger because as I've gotten older, not much sounds good.
One of my new year's resolutions every year is to stop buying so much food. I don't eat a lot of canned goods but I have them. Although, right now, not a whole ton of them. Tonight I cleaned out my pantry & put several in my donation box. And I have not bought any in awhile unless I specifically needed something for a rare recipe I might be cooking.
And I've stopped buying packages of meat...I buy a single chicken breast or pork chop or steak out of the case.
And I limit how much produce I buy because it tends to go bad.
Tomorrow I'm going to brown meat so I can use it later to make tacos & spaghetti. Even though I don't cook much anymore, I'd rather eat at home. Eating out is expensive right now & again, nothing much sounds good.
I'm trying to eat my way through my freezer before I buy big groceries. I have taken to buying milk at Braums because they are reasonably priced & I don't have to go to big grocery store where there are more temptations. And I do some shopping at Target where choices are limited.
So I'm doing some self therapy to help solve my food hoarding issue. I hope it works.
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