Like sands through the hourglass...
The soap opera 'Days of Our Lives' has been on the air, on NBC since 1965...that's 47 years in case you don't want to do the math. The main family was the Hortons, with Dr Tom & donut guru Alice leading a family. Over the years, of course they have died as have most of their kids but the grands & their lives & loves continue. I watched in college but never really continued for long after although I did watch one show a couple of years ago where Bo Brady died again. But I think he's been resurrected again. But that's neither here nor there.
Today, NBC announced they are removing 'Days' from the network & taking it to their streaming platform Peacock TV which has a limited free side but their premium side is $5 a month...and the show is only going to the premium side. The show has had loyal viewers that have seen every show since 1965. Older viewers that may or may not be familiar with streaming. Or may not have internet. And I can bet a lot of viewers are going to hate the $5 charge. It's a bad move & it sets a horrible precedent. I wouldn't pay for it because I don't watch anything on NBC & very little on network TV but I do watch CBS shows & they'll probably be next. I happen to have Paramount+ but might cancel it if they try to do this. I'm watching old 'Mission Impossible' & 'Perry Mason' but both are available somewhere else. I watch 'Bold and Beautiful' but not enough to pay for it. And it's $10 a month (But I got a deal) This idea pisses me off.
Back when I was still working we had a "12:30 lunch crew" that took over the lunch room every day to watch 'Days'. No talking, no noise. Even a sneeze would get you the stink eye. I can only imagine the rage this would cause with them. Good news is that the ones that were there when I was are retired now but they probably recruited new members over the years.
Gonna be interesting to see how this all shakes out.
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